Matt Bierbaum
- 425 Clark Hall
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, NY 14850
Postdoc - Cornell University, advisor James P. Sethna
2009 - 2016
Cornell University - Ph.D. Physics, advisor James P. Sethna
2009 - 2012
Cornell University - M.S. Physics, advisor James P. Sethna
2005 - 2009
Northwestern University - B.A. Physics and Integrated Science, advisor Frederic Rasio
- Collective motion at heavy metal concerts
- Covered by NPR, Times, Atlantic, PopSci, NBC, NatGeo with 0.7M pageviews
- Described the phase transition between mosh and circle pit with GPU simulation of 1M agents
- Zombie disease dynamics
- Featured on WaPo, WSJ, CBS, NBC, CBC, Smithsonian, HuffPo with 1.2M pageviews
- Modelled spread of zombieism across the continental US
- High performance interactive web simulation in JS incorporating full US population
- Precision image featuring
- Extracting parameters from microscope images at the information limit (~1 nm)
- Created optimized open-source Python package available on PyPI
- Continuum plasticity
- Dynamics of line defects in metals using PDEs simulated in CUDA
- Performed super computer computations with MPI / GPUs over 1M core-hours
- OpenKIM pipeline
- Designed and implemented distributed computing environment for interatomic potentials
- Created frontend, backend, and testing framework used by hundreds of material scientists
- Colloidal stresses - developing experimental techniques to measure forces in suspensions
- Surface energies - using OpenKIM framework to create broken bond fits to surface energies
- Phonon spectra - employing symmetries to create small parameter fits for phonon spectra
- Smectic A - creation and dynamics of focal conic defects in layered materials
- Globular cluster dynamics - formation of intermediate mass black holes in primordial clusters
- Hidden paintings - using subsurface scattering to infer paintings below the surface
- Numerical simulation (PDEs, automata, MC)
- High performance computing and GPUs
- Constraint satisfaction
- Analytical prediction
- Data analysis
- Python
- C / C++
- Javascript
- Linux
- Git
- Vim
- HTML5 / Canvas
- Web{Sockets,Workers}
- MongoDB
- Java
- Arduino
- Blender
- etc
- Deformation of crystals: Connections with statistical physics– Sethna et. al – arXiv:1609.05838
- Measuring nonlinear stresses generated by defects in 3D colloidal crystals – Lin, Bierbaum, Schall, Sethna, Cohen – Nature Materials 2016
- The weirdest martensite: Smectic liquid crystal microstructure and Weyl-Poincare invariance – Liarte, Bierbaum, Mosna, Kamien, Sethna – PRL 116, 147802 2016
- "Irregularization" of Systems of Conservation Laws – Swan, Choi, Papanikolaou, Bierbaum, Chen, Sethna – arXiv:1506.05743
- You can run, you can hide: The epidemiology and statistical mechanics of zombies –
Alemi, Bierbaum, Myers, Sethna – Phys Rev E 92, 052801 2015
- Visualization, coarsening and flow dynamics of focal conic domains in simulated Smectic-A liquid crystals – Liarte, Bierbaum, Zhang, Leahy, Cohen, Sethna – Phys Rev E 92 6, 062511 2014
- Collective motion of humans in mosh and circle pits at heavy metal concerts –
Silverberg, Bierbaum, Sethna, Cohen – PRL 110 (22) 228701 2013
- Scaling theory of continuum dislocation dynamics in three dimensions: Self-organized fractal pattern formation – Chen, Choi, Papanikolaou, Bierbaum, Sethna – IJP 46, 94-129 2013
- Formation of Massive Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters. II. Initial Mass Function and Primordial Mass Segregation – Goswami, Umbreit, Bierbaum, Rasio – APJ 752 (1), 43 2012
- Locating Colloidal Spheres at the Information Theoretic Limit – Bierbaum, Leahy, Alemi, Cohen, Sethna
- OpenKIM Processing Pipeline: A Virtual Machine Cloud-Based Automatic Materials Property Computation Engine – Bierbaum, Alemi, Karls, Wennblom, Elliott, Tadmor, Sethna
- X-ray Analysis of Continuum Dislocation Dynamics – Bierbaum, Kent-Dobias, Choi, Chen, Sethna
- Bicycles - Carbon road, single speed road, single speed mountain bike
- Short films / photography - filming, editing, timelapse
- Fun physics - cost of a pot hole, physics of bubbles, projects below
- Cupgame chaos - formation of fractals from carnival games
- Plinko simulation - investigating 'Price is Right' game
- Clicky - one shared dot for the entire internet
- Onelook - Ludum dare game uses light as game mechanic
- Billiards - statistical study of pool shots